22 Apr 2008

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Ashdown

Greetings in the name of the Risen Christ
It is my joy and privilege to announce that I have appointed the Right Reverend Gordon Beardy as Assistant Bishop of
Keewatin effective April 15, 2008. Bishop Beardy will share with me in the pastoral oversight of the Diocese of
Keewatin, specifically this means that he will
• Perform episcopal duties such as confirmation and ordination when approved by the diocesan bishop
• Provide pastoral counsel and direction to the clergy of the diocese in conjunction with the diocesan bishop
• Provide ongoing counsel and advice to the diocesan bishop
• Participate in the wider church through the national and provincial Houses of Bishops and other appropriate
avenues and representing the diocesan bishops when requested to do so by the diocesan bishop
• Undertake other responsibilities from time to time as may be mutually agreed.
I make this appointment, which is non-stipendiary, in accordance with the canons of the Ecclesiastical Province of
Rupert’s Land which state that a diocesan bishop may appoint an assistant bishop for a period of six months after
which time the consent of the diocese and the metropolitan are required. Therefore this appointment is for an initial
period of six months, ending October 15, 2008, at which time it may be extended pending the consent of both
diocese and metropolitan.
I know that this appointment will bring great joy to many throughout our diocese and beyond and I invite you to join
with me in extending to Bishop Beardy the warmest welcome and assurance of our prayers as he undertakes this
new phase of his ministry and the next step on our journey together.
Christ is risen
April 15, 2008

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