24 Sept 2010

After School Children’s Program

Proposed Schedule for Interdenominational After School Children’s Program: Volunteer Sign Up

The PCF and Lutheran congregations are piloting an after school children’s program to replace the traditional Sunday School. We are using Bible Adventures: Sharing the Good News (a vacation bible school curriculum from the United Church) as a resource and applying it to an after school schedule. The tentative schedule is Friday after school from October 29 till November 26:

3:30 -3:50: Welcome and Snack
3:50 -4:20: Introductory game, Shared bible story, game or song
4:20 – 4:50: Break into group of choice (craft or gym game)
4:50 -5:00: Whole group wrap up

We have interest from about 12 students at this time.

We will need volunteers for the following positions:
- Providing a nutritious snack (receipts will be reimbursed)
This will involve preparing the snack and serving it from 3:30 to 3:50.
- Telling the bible story and leading a game or song.
- Two craft supervisors
- Two gym supervisors
- Supervisor for Welcome time and to oversee the program

We are hoping that if we have a schedule for volunteers there will be flexibility allowing more people to sign up to help. You don’t have to commit to a long period of time. If you can help Please follow this link to the online sign-up sheet and enter your name in the time slot you prefer. If that sounds complicated just call Rob at 753-8439 and he can do it for you.

We will have a meeting for volunteers Oct. 15 at 3:45 in the multipurpose room at FW Gilbert School (the double classroom closest to the parking lot). Feel free to direct any questions to Lori Evenden, Rob Murray, or Sharon Howe.
Thank you!

22 Sept 2010

Dogs and ghosts for this Sunday

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

There will be a General Meeting of the congregation following worship this Sunday, September 26. All members and friends of the congregation are invited and encouraged to participate. Lunch will be catered - wraps by Linda Krampetz.

The agenda and annual reports of our groups and committees are linked below. Printed copies will be available on Sunday morning or by appointment at the church office (753-8439).

There are also some interim financial reports for your information. This isn't a budget meeting, but you can see where we stand financially at this point in the year.

8 Sept 2010

We're back to School!

Summer with the Pinawa Lutheran Church is always a blessing, but the PCF has a unique identity formed by our flexibility and our nomadic life of worship and service. On September 12th we're returning to our regular time and place of Sunday worship - 10 am in the F.W. Gilbert School. The school has been turned upside down this summer with extensive landscape work outside and the replacement of all the ceiling tiles and light fixtures inside. Yes... that includes those hideous orange sodium vapour lamps in the gymnasium! They might not be installed for our first day back but the lights are ordered and the work is under contract. Soon we will see everyone's true colours!