3 Oct 2013

Worship by the River ... September 29

It could have gone so wrong...
Saturday was grim and grey and cold, but Sunday dawned bright and beautiful! Here are some moments from our 10 am worship down at the Pinawa Sailing and Rowing Club beach. 

28 Aug 2013

Our Last Summer Sunday

Septmber 1st is our last Summer Sunday with the Pinawa Lutheran Church. We meet at 9:15am for a service of Holy Communion with Rev. Rob presiding and Pastor Jack preaching.  Next Sunday, September 8th, we're back to 10am worship in the F.W. Gilbert School.

23 Jan 2013

Budget Meeting...

There will be a General Meeting of the congregation after the time of worship this Sunday, January 27, to receive the financial report of 2012 and to adopt a budget for the year 2013. All members and friends of the congregation are invited and urged to participate.  

You will find supporting documents online, just follow the links below…

There will be a limited number of printed copies available at the meeting. Please call the office (204-753-8439) if you have difficulty viewing the documents online or if you would like printed copies in advance.